Step 4: Nest the VS-1212A-R Lower Spar Cap into the VS-1203 Rear Spar. Align the bottom edge of the lower spar flush with the bottom edge of the rear spar web then clamp it in place along the rear spar flange.
Start from the #30 hole nearest to the bottom of the rear spar web, match-drill #30 about every fourth hole of the rear spar web into the lower spar cap. Cleco each hole as you drill and be sure to drill perpendicular to the rear spar web. After reaching the top of the lower spar cap, move on to the VS-1212B-R Upper Spar Cap. Match-drill #30 the four #30 holes in the rear spar web into the upper spar cap.
Remove the upper and lower spar caps and deburr the match-drilled holes. Clear away any chips, then cleco the upper and lower spar caps back in place. Match-drill the remaining #30 holes of the rear spar web into the upper spar cap.
Step 5: Match-Drill #30 the VS-1203 Rear Spar flange holes into the VS-1212A-R and VS-1212B-R Upper and Lower Spar Caps. Cleco as you go. NOTE: Make sure to drill perpendicular to the flange as it is not 90 degrees to the rear web.
Step 6: Match_Drill #40 the nutplate attach rivet holes from the VS-1203 Rear Spar into the VS-1212B-R Upper Spar Cap. With the same size bit match-frill the #40 holes near the bottom of the rear spar web into the VA-1212A-R.
Step 7: Match-Drill #12 the 3/16 holes of the VS-1203 Rear Spar into the VS-1212A-R and VS-1212B-R Upper and Lower Spar Caps.
Remove the spar caps, deburr the holes and clear away any chips.