Saturday, February 12, 2011

RV12 Vertical Stabilizer (continued)

Reference: page 06-05, 6 hours

Step 1: Radius the edges at the narrow end of the VS-1205 Tip Rib, the VS-1206 Mid Rib and the VS-1202 Front Spar as shown in Figure 1.

Step 2: Flute (section 5N) between the holes in the flanges of the VS-1202 Front Spar and any of the other vertical stabilizer ribs as necessary to straighten the flange hole pattern.

Held off on steps 3 - 8 on page 06-05 until parts are primed.

Reference: page 06-06

Step 1: Remove the material from the VS-1204 Fwd Skin, called out in Figure 1.

Step 2: Remove the material from the VS-1201 Main Skin, called out in Figure 2, Detail A.

Step 3: Final-drill #19, the nutplate screw holes in the VS-1204 Fwd Skin per call-out in Figure 1.

Step 4: Final-drill #19, the nutplate screw holes in the VS-1201 Main Skin per call-out in Figure 2, Detail B. NOTE: Plans don't call it out but I also drilled #40 the nutplate attachment holes.

Deburr all of the final-drilled holes from Step 3 and 4.

Step 5: Dimple the #19 holes in the VS-1204 Fwd Skin using a #8 dimple die as called out in Figure 1.

Step 6: Dimple the #19 holes in the VS-1201 main Skin using a #8 dimple die as called out in Figure 2 Detail B.

Step 7: Dimple the nutplate attach rivet holes in the VS-1201 Main Skin using a 3/32 dimple die as called out in Figure 2, Detail B.

NOTE: A small diameter female die is required to dimple the nutplate attach rivet holes on a countersunk nutplate. An alternative would be grinding material from a standard female die to clear the recess of the nutplate.

Step 8: Dimple the nutplates attach rivet holes using a 3/32 dimple die as called out in Figure 3.

Finished deburring all the edges. Cleaned and alodined the vertical stabilizer parts in preparation for priming.