Today the Anti-servo Tabs will be completed.
Reference page 08-02
Step5: Rivet only the top flange of the four HS-1222 AST Ribs inside the top surface of the HS-1221-L AST Skin per rivet call-out in Figure 4.
NOTE: This completes page 08-02
Reference: page 08-03
Step 3: Orient the AST Control Horn to pass through the AST control horn cut-out. Rivet the HS-1220-L AST Control Horn to the inboard HS-1222 AST Rib as shown in Figure 2.
Step 4: The HS-1219-L AST spar must be installed on the inside surface of the HS-1221-L AST skin as shown in Figure 4. The reference hole oriented up and outboard. Rivet the AST Spar to the AST Skin per call-out in Figure 4. Omit the reference hole when riveting.
This completes page 08-03
Reference: page 08-04
Step 1: Rivet the bottom surface of the HS-1221-L AST Skin to the HS-1222 AST ribs per call-out in Figure 1. guide the lower flange of the AST skin to the outside surface of the HS-1219-L Spar as shown in Figure 2.
Step 2: Install the AST Hinge with eyelets outward, as shwon in Figure 2. Rivet the HS-1218B AST Hinge to the HS-1221-L AST Skin and the HS-1219-L AST Spar per call-outs in Figure 3. Begin at the hole farthest from the HS-1220-L AST Horn.
Hereafter refer to this as the AST Assembly Left and the opposite assembly as the AST Assembly Right.
The Anti-Servo Tabs for the RV-12 are now done as is section 08.