Continuing construction of a Vans Aircraft RV-12 stabilator.
Reference: Page 09-03
NOTE: The proper orientation of the spars (top, bottom, forward, aft) is critical throughout the Stabilator assembly. Make sure that all apar flange holes align with spar cap holes.
Step 1: Cleco the HS-1209 Spar Cap Spacers, the HS-1212 Inspar Ribs and the two HS-1211 Spar Caps together as shown in Figure 1. Orient the spar caps so that the closely spaced holes in the top spar cap align with the closely spaced holes in the bottom spar cap, and the machine countersunk holes face away from the inspar ribs. orient the inspar ribs with the tooling holes positioned as shown in figure 1. When all are oriented correctly, the lightening hole in the web of each inspar rib will align when sighting through all of the inspar ribs from the end.
Step 2: Rivet the HS-1211 Spar Caps. HS 1212 Inspar Ribs, and HS-1209 Spar Cap Spacers together using rivets called out in Figure 1.
Step 3: Cleco the HS-1202 Fwd and HS-1203 Aft Spar to the HS-1212 Inspar Ribs, as shown in Figure 2. Hereafter refer to this subassembly as the Spar Box Assembly.
Step 4: Cleco the WD-1207 Upper and WD-1208 Lower Horns to the HS-1202 Fwd and HS-1203 AftSpars. Identify the upper horn by the 3/15 inch indentifer hole. Point both of the horns forward as shown in Figure 2. Mark the top and bottom of the Spar Box Assembly for reference.
Builder's Note: My control horns didn't fit well and were loose on the spar as can be seen in the picture below. After checking with Vans Aircraft about the fit, I made a set of spacers (one for the front and one for the back of each bracket) out of aluminum sheet.
Step 5: Final-Drill #12 the fastener holes of the WD-1207 Upper and WD-1208 Lower Horns into the webs of both spars as called out in Figure 2. Insert an AN3 bolt into each hole before drilling the next.
Remove the upper and lower horn, deburr the holes and set the two horns aside.
Step 6: Final-Drill #30 all of the holes in the plate of both of the WD-1222.
Step 7: Align each WD-1222 Counterbalance Bracket to the corresponding holes in the HS-1202 Fwd and HS-1203 Aft Spat. Turn both brackets 90 degrees and cleco them in that position, as shown in Figure 3. Detail A-A.
Step 8: Insert the WD-1223 Counterbalance Arm into the forward WD-1222 Counterbalance Bracket (celecoed to the HS1202 Fwd Spar) through the Spar Box Assembly, then into the aft WD-1222 Counterbalance Bracket. Bring the aft end of the counterbalance arm flush with the aft edge of the aft counterbalance bracket, and orient the counterbalance arm as shown in Figure 3. Clamp the counterbalance arm to the counterbalance brackets.
Step 9: Match-Drill #30 the two holes from the neck of each WD-1222 Counterbalance Bracket into the WD-1223 Counter Balance Arm. Cleco as you go. then final-drill #12 per call-out in Figure 3, Detail B-B. Temporarily insert an AN3-14A bolt after final-drilling the first hole.
Step 10: Rotate the counterbalance arm and counterbalance brackets 90 degrees, make sure the top edge of the counterbalance arm (see call-out in Figure 3, Detail B_B) is oriented with the top side of the Spar Box Assembly. Mark the counterbalance brackets in relation to the Spar Box Assembly, and the counterbalance arm.
Remove the counterbalance arm and brackets, remove the HS-1202 Fwd and HS-1203 Aft Spar. Deburr holes, and clear away chips.
Builder's note: This completes page 09-03.
Reference page 09-04
Step 1: Cleco the HS-1224 Doublers to the inner surface of the HS-1202 Fwd Spar web. Final-Drill #12 the 3/16 inch holes.
Step 2: final-Drill #40 the 3/32 inch nutplate attach rivet holes in the HS-1224 Doublers.
Step 3: Bolt one of the called out nuplates through one of the #12 holes in the HS-1202 Fwd or HS-1203 Aft Spar for the WD-1207 Upper and WD-1208 Lower Horn. Using the nutplate as a guide, match-drill #40 the first nutplate attach rivet hole as called out in Figure1. Cleco the first #40 hole, then match-drill the other attach rivet hole. Repeat this step for all of the nutplates that are common to the upper and lower horns in the Fwd and Aft spar.
Step 4: Machine countersink the nutplate attach rivet holes flush on the outer surface of the HS-1202 Fwd and HS-1203 Aft Spar per call-out in Figure 1.
Mark the postions, remove the nutplates and doublers, deburr all drilled holes, clear away chips and re-cleco.
Builder's note: I prepped and primed parts before continuing.
Step 5: Rivet the HS-1224 Doublers, and the called out nutplates to the inner surface of the HS-1202 Fwd Spar web using rivets called out in figure 1.
Step 6: Rivet the nutplates for the WD-1207 Upper and WD-1208 Lower Horn to the HS-1203 Aft Spars using the rivets called out in Figure 1.
Step 7: Rivet a nutplate to both of the HS-1213B Outbd Hinge Brackets using hardware called out in Figure 2.
Step 8: Rivet the WD-1222 Counterbalance Brackets to the HS-1202 Fwd and HS-1203 Aft Spar in their previously marked postions per call-out Figure 3.
Builder's note: This completes page 09-04.
Reference: page 09-05
Step 1: Cut the 5/16 aluminum tube to make four HS-1210 Hinge Stops per dimensions in Figure 1. Deburr the hinge stops.
Step 2: Separate the HS-1214 Rib Clips by removing the material shown hatched in Figure 2.
Step 3: Cleco the Spar Box Assembly back together. Check alignment of HS-1202 Fwd and HS-1203 Aft Spar flange holes to the corresponding holes in both HS-1211 Spar Caps. All spar flange holes must align with spar cap holes.
Step 4: Rivet the previously countersunk holes in both flanges of the HS-1202 Fwd and HS-12-03 Aft Spar to the HS-1211 Spar Caps per call-out in Figure 3.
Step 5: Rivet the HS-1202 Fwd and HS-1203 Aft Spar to the inboard HS-1212 Inspar Ribs using rivets called out in Figure 3.
Builder's note: This completes page 09-05.