Monday, May 2, 2011

RV-12 Section 14 Rear Spar, Stub Spar, Hinge Brackets (Part 3)

Reference: page 14-03; 4.5 hour

Todays entire will finish up the wing sub-spars on the RV-12 airplane. All that is left is basically some riveting riveting.

Step 1: Cleco of the W-1212 Hinge Assemblies to each of the W-1207B Rear Spar Doubler Plates. Orient them as shown in Van's Aircraft RV-12 plans page 14-03.

Step 2: Rivet only the inboard flange of the W-1212 Hinge Assemblies to each of the W-1207B Rear Spar Doubler Plates using rivets indicated in plans. Identify the hinge assembly and rear spar doubler plate as the Left and Right Doubler Assembly per call outs.

Step 3: Cleco the Left and Right Doubler Assembly to the inboard end of the W-1207A-L & _R Rear Spar Web.

Step 4: Cleco the W-1207C-L & -R Tip Attach Angle to the outboard end of the W1207A-l & -R Rear Spar Web.

Step 5: Rivet the Left and Right Doubler Assemblies to the W-1207A-L & -R Rear Spar Webs using rivets indicated. Leave open the called out holes that will later correspond to the wing ribs.

Step 6: Rivet the W-1207C-L & -R Tip Attach Angle to the W-1207A-L & -R Rear Spar Web using rivets called out.

Hereafter refer to these sub-assembiles as the Left and Right Rear Spar Assembly.

This completes section 14 of the Van's Aircraft RV-12 plans. Next comes the deburring and fluting of the wing ribs. Fun!