Reference: page 17-04, page 17-05; 2.5 hours
I've been build both wings on the RV-12 aircraft at the same time, which has worked out very well.
As a side note, Van's Aircraft has posted pictures of the new Dynon Skyveiw installation on their Facebook page. Here is a link if you have not seen it: RV-12 with Skyview .
Step 4: Cleco the remaining portion of the Outbd Wing Skin and the Mid Wing Skin to the wing. Rivet the outbd and mid wing skins to the wing leaving open holes shown in Figure 3 on page 17 of the RV-12 plans by Van's Aircraft.
Builder's note: I found it helpful (at least on my wings) to set and rivet the rivets in the wing ribs from the nose towards the main spar.
Step 5: Flip-over the left wing placing it upside-down on the table. Dimple the screw holes in the Mid Wing Skin and in the Access Hatch. Dimple the rivet holes in both the nutplates and in the mid sing skin for the access hatch. Install nutplates on the wing skin and install the hatch.
Builder's note: Used small female die during dimpling, however a regular sized die can be modified as well.
Step 6: Repeat all steps from page 17-02 Step2 through Step 4 on page 17-04. Builder's note: As mentioned earlier, I built both wings at the same time so this step is completed. Building both wings has worked fine if you have the space.
This completes page 17-04
Reference page 17-05
Step 1: Take the W-1204G-L HandHold and bend where the part is notched.
Builders note: Used a block of wood with a radiused edge to make these bends.
Step 2: Rivet the W-1213-L Tip Rib to the rear spar . Rivet the Hand Hold and W-1204C WIng Tip Bottom Skin to the wing.
Builder's note: I drilled out and reversed the rivet in the picture above. This was done to give the handle a cleaner look.
That's it for this building session.