I was able to complete a lot of assembly on the RV-12 aircraft today, until the air-compressor blow apart. In the picture below you can see some of the piston pieces (yes it is an oil-less compressor with somewhere between 700 and 1000 hour of run time (one Cessna restoration, the RV10 and the RV-12 project to date.) These things make an incredible racket when they decide to go south!
Reference: page 21-07, 21-08, 21-09; 6.0 hours
Step 1: Using the locating holes drilled on Page 21-6 Step 7, cleco the F-1237E Seatback Hinges to the F-1225-L & -L Seat floors as show in Figure 1 of the RV-12 plans. Center the lines drawn on Page 21-06 Step8 on the holes in the seat floors, then match-drill #30 the holes into the seatback hinges, Remove and deburr the holes.
Step 2: Except for the holes that will be used to attach the seat floor ribs, rivet the F-1237E Seatback hinges to the Seat Floors. Note: Rivets holes that are left open until later in picture below.
Step 3: In both Seat Floors, dimple the four holes in the aft flanges and the holes alond the forward and inboard edges as indicated in Figure 1 on page 21-07.
Step 4: Dimple the six nutplates, shown in Figure1, along the forward edge of the Seatfloors, then rivet them to the seat floors.
Step 5: Separate the F-1253 Seat Floor Support by removing the hatched areas shown in Figure 2 of the RV-12 plans.
Step 6: Rivet the F-1225-L Seat Floor to the remaining Left Seat Rib Assembly(except for the hole indicated) and the Flaperon Mixer Bracket/Seat Rib Assembly using the rivets called out by Van's Aircraft.
Step 7: Dimple the nutplates shown in Figure 3, then rivet them to the Flaperon Mixer Bracket/Seat Rib assembly and to the F-1225-L Seat Floor using the rivets called out. Temporarily install an 8-32 screw in the MS21051-L08 nutplate to prevent misalignment while riveting.
Step 8: Using the rivets called out in Figure 3 on page 21-07, rivet the F-1253-L Seat Floor Support to the bottom of the F-1225-L Seat Floor. Do not install a rivet in the aft most and forward most hole as indicated in the plans.
Step 9: install the smap bushings called ou tin Figure 3 of the plans.
This completes all of the steps on page 21-07.
Reference: page 21-07:
Step 1: rivet the F-1225-R Seat Floor to the remaining Right Seat Assembly (except the hole indicated) and the Pulley Bracket/Seat Rib Assembly using the rivets called out in Figure 1 on page 21-08 of the RV-12 plans.
Step 2: Dimple the nutplates shown in figure 1, then rivet them to the Pulley Bracket/Seat rib Assembly and the the F-1225-R Seat Floor using the rivets called out. Again, temporarily install an 8-32 screw in the MS21051-L08 nutplate to prevent misalignment while riveting.
Step 3: Using the rivets called out in Figure 1, rivet the F1235-R Seat Floor Support to the bottom of the F-1225-R Seat Floor as shown. Do not install a rivet in the aft most and forward most hole.
Step 4: Install the snap bushings called out in Figure 1.
Step 5: Rivet the Left and Right Seat Floor Assemblies to the F-1204A Center Section Bulkhead using the rivets called out in Figure 2 of Vans Aircraft's plans 21-08.
This completes page 21-08.
Reference page 21-09.
Step 1 Rivet the F-1204CL-L &-R Fwd bulkhead Side Assemblies to the Left and Right Seat Floor Assemblis using the rivets call out in Figure 1 of the plans.
That's it for today's work. I am going to have to figure out what to do with the compressor.