Step 1: Separate the F-1275A, B, C, D, E, and F fuselage Coner Skins along the center perforations. The notches in different tabs,shown in Figure 1 on page 21-15 of Van's Aircraft plans, can be used to differentiate the parts.
Step 2: Turn the fuselage upside-down on a pair of saw horses. As shown in the plans cleco F-1275F-R Fuselage Corner Skin to the Seat Floor Support, the Seat Rib and the Skin Attach Flange. Then, one after the other, cleco in place the F-1275E-R, D-R, C-R, B-R, & A-R Fuselage Corner Skins.
Step3: Using the rivets called out, rivet the Fuselage Corner to each other. Rivet the F-1275A-R to the Bulkhead Flange and rivet the F-1275F-R to the Skin Attach Flange (except for the four holes called out in the airplane plans). DO NOT rivet the fuselage corner skins to teh F-1253-R Seat Floor Support or the Seat Rib.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the left side of the fuselage.
Step 5: Cleco the Fuselage Corner Skin to the F-1202F Bulkhead, the F-1212-R Step Rib and the F-1275A-R Fuselage Corner Skin.
Step 6: Except for the two holes indicated in figure 3 of the RV-12 plans, rivet the F-1274-R Fuselage Corner Skin to the F-1275A-R Fuselage Corner Skin. DO NOTrivet to the F-1212-R Step Rib or to the F-1202F Bulkhead.
Step 7: Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for the left side of the fuselage.
Step 8: Seperate the F-1204Z Bottom Stiffenrs by removing the hatched areas as shown in the plans.
Step 9: Mark each part, then separate the F-1268A, B, C, D, & E Doublers.
That is it for this entry. Next we will get into attaching the fuselage bottom skin.