There is a lot of ground covered during this entry of construction of the RV-12 airplane. Today will complete page 12-18 of Van's Aircraft's Plans for RV-12.
Page 21-18 Step 1: Remove the F-1202F Bulkhead and the Step Attach Angles from the fuselage. (Keep the step attach angles clecoed to the bulkhead.) Use the bolts shown in figure 1 of the RV-12 plans on page 21-18 [AN4-5A] to secure the F-1251-L nutplate Brackets to the step attach angles and bulkhead.
Step 2: Align the Nutplate Brackets vertically on the Step Attach Angles, then match-drill #30 the two holes of the Bulkhead and step attach angles into the nutplate brackets.
Step 3: Deburr the holes in the F-1202F Bulkhead, the Step Attach Angles, the Nutplate Brackets, and the Step Ribs.
Step 4: Prime the F-1236A-L & -R Step Angles.
Step 5: Rivet the Step Angles to the Step Ribs using the rivets called out by Van's on page 21-18 of the RV-12 aircraft plans.
Step 6: Repeat Steps 1-5 for the right side of the fuselage.
Builder's note: I did both side at the same time.
Step 7: Cleco the F-1202F Bulkhead back in place then rivet it to the F-1212-L & -R Step Ribs using the rivets called out in figure 3 on page 21-18.
Step 8: Rivet the F-1251-L Nutplate Brackets and the F-1236A-L & B-L Step Attach Angles to the F-1202F Bulkhead using the rivets called out in Figure 4 on page 21-18 of the RV-12 aircraft plans. Repeat for the right side of the fuselage.
Step 9: Rivet the F-1202F Bulkhead to the F-1274-L Fuselage Corner Skin. DO NOT rivet the bulkhead to the bulkhead to the Bottom Skin. Repeat for the right side of the fuselage.
Step 10: Install the Steps.
Builder's note: As the steps can be installed at any time I am setting the hardware aside with the steps and will install them later. This way they won't be in the way during construction.
Step 11: Dimple the nutplate shown in Figure 5, then rivet them to the top flange of the F-1202F Bulkhead using the rivets called out. DO NOT attach nutplates at the indicated hole locations. See Van's RV-12 aircraft plans page 21-18 figure 5.
Builder's note: My standard sized rivet set would not fit in the tight quarters so I used a pneumatic squeezer with a special yoke. Also in the picture above I am holding the lens cover in my hand (rookie mistake).
Step 12: Install the snap bushings called onu in figure 5 into the holes indicated.
Builder's note: In the picture above I am pointing at the new hole that is added for installation of the Dynon SkyView avionic system.
This completes page 21-18. Well that's it for this building section. Until next time,