There is a lot of ground covered during this entry of the construction of the RV-12 airplane. This will finish up section 21 of Van's Aircraft's Plans for the Mid Fuselage as well as the Auto Pilot servo mount for the elevator control.
Step 1: Dimple all the #30 holes and #40 nutplate attach holes in the area indicated in Figure 1 by Van's Aircraft, in both the F-1213-L& _R Step Floors. DO NOT dimple the nutplate screw holes.
Step 2: Dimple the nutplates shown on page 21-19 figure 1 of the RV-12 plans, then rivet them to the Seat Floors.
Builder's note: In the picture above I am pointing at a nutplate that is installed after the step floors are installed.
Step 3: Rivet the Step Floors to the F-1202F Bulkhead, the F1212-L & -R Step Ribs, and the F-1203A Bulkhead using the rivets called out. Be sure to capture the two holes in the front flange of the F-1253-L & -R Seat Floor Supports when riveting the two outbd holes of the step floors to the bulkhead.
Step 4: Dimple the nutplates shown in figure 2 of the RV-12 plans on page 21-19, then reach through the lightening holes in the Step Ribs and rivet the nutplates to the top flange of the Bulkhead and the Step Floors using the rivets called out.
Step 5: Dimple the four sets of nutplate attach rivet holes in the F-1207B Baggage Bulkhead for the nutplates shown by Van's Aircraft in figure 3 on page 21-19.
Step 6: Dimple the nutplates, then rivet them to the F-1207B Baggage Bulkhead using the rivets called out.
Builder's note: As mentioned earlier I am installing the auto pilot option into the RV-12 airplane. So now is the time to jump to page 39-03.
Reference page 39-03
Step 1: Label, then separate the F-1286A-L & -R Servo Brackets by removing the material shown hatched in figure 1 on page 39-03 by Van's Aircraft.
Step 2: Label, then separate the F-1286B-L & -R Servo Angle by removing the material shown hatched in figure 2 as shown by Van's Aircraft.
This completes page 39-03.
Reference page 39-04; Step 1: Not applicable.
Step 2: Cleco the rivet the F-1207 Baggage Bulkhead and the F-1286A Servo Brackets to the Baggage Ribs using the rivets called out in figure 1.
Step 3: Cleco then rivet the Servo Angles to the Servo Brackets as shown on page 39-04 of the RV-12 aircraft plans.
Step 4: (Preconst)Proceed with the assembly instructions in Section 21.
Reference page 21-19; Step 7: Cleco the Baggage Bulkhead in place, then rivet the baggage bulkhead to the F-1206-L & -R Baggage Ribs using the rivets called out. Rivet to these two ribs only, leave the rest of the baggage clecoed.
Step 8: Install the snap bushings depicted in figure 3 on page 21-19.
Step 9: Cleco the F_1048 Facet Pump Bracket to teh Bottom Skin in the tunnel, then drill #30 the four holes common to both parts.
Step 10: Remove the Facet Pump Bracket, final drill #40 and machine countersink the nutplate attach rivets, then attach the nutplates shwon in Figure 3 with the rivets called out on page 21-19 by Van's Aircraft.
Step 11: Rivet the Facet Pump Bracket to the F-1276 Bottom Skin using the rivets called out.
Builder's note: It doesn't say so in the instructions but it is a good idea to rivet these from the bottom of the fuselage. This completes page 21-20.
Reference page 21-20 Step 1: As shown in figure 1, install the six systems block studs in the holes of the F-1276 Bottom Skin between the two F-1215 Seat Ribs.
Builder's note: In the picture above you can see only 4 of the 6 studs.
This complete not only page 21-20, but also section 21 Mid Fuse Ribs and Bottom Skins. Next time we will start the forward fuselage and lower firewall. I'm going to leave you with a few pictures of the snap bushing that need to be installed for the Dynon Skyview avionics package. These specific bushing live between the seats in the tunnel area. Until then enjoy!