Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Vans Aircraft RV-12 Airplane Build, Section 48: Exhaust System (part 1)

Reference for this entry: page 48-02, 48-03; 0.5 hours

Today I will start on the exhaust system installation on the Rotax for the RV-12 airplane.

Step 1: Remove the exhaust port plug and stud nuts from all four cylinders. Keep the nuts as they will be used.

Step 2: Install the #1 cylinder exhaust pipe. Start the exhaust port nuts but do not tighten them any further.

Step 3: Install the #2 cylinder exhaust pipe. Start the exhaust port nuts but do not tighten them any further.

This completes page 48-02.

Reference: 48-03

Step 1: Install the #3 cylinder exhaust pipe. Start the exhaust port nuts but do not tighten them any further.

Step 2: Install the #4 cylinder exhaust pipe. Start the exhaust port nuts but do not tighten them any further.

This completes page 48-03 and today's work on the RV-12.