Today's work on the RV-12 ELSA airplane kit. Includes installing and sealing the rear window. Installing the propellor and and Transponder antenna.
Reference: Page 47-06
Builder's note: There is an article in the 3rd 2010 Rvator called Perfect Pitch on installing and pitching a prop on the RV-12. The goal is to have each blade within 0.1 degrees of the other to reduce vibration.
Reference: Page 25-06
Next came the installation of the rear window. The newer revision on the RV-12 plans calls out sealing the window and screws with fuel tank sealant to prevent fuel from getting to the edges and crazing the window. Note: I used clecos to hole the window in place, removing a section of them at a time to apply the fuel seal with a syringe. Then replaced the clecos with screws coated with sealant.

The last few smaller items included the installation of the floor anti-skid pads from Section 33. And the transponder antenna Section 42C-10.

Builder's note: The floor pads are the bigger pad versus the wing walk covers.

That's it for today's work of the RV-12. Long day but it's coming along nicely.